Welcome to SelfImagination.in’s Privacy Policy.

If you use our side, then you have to follow our privacy policy.

If you do not follow our privacy policy, then we have every right to block you from this side.

Information provided on the website

  1. Code help of some programming languages.
  2. Idea for quick programming.

Your Opinion

  1. You can tell us if there is any error.
  2. You can tell if you want to improve any content.
  3. You can comment on our article.
  4. If you have a good topic, you can share it with us.

What not to do

  1. Do not use any wrong words.
  2. Do not make any unnecessary comments.
  3. Do not share your personal information.
  4. We do not ask for your bank information on our own, so never give such information.
  5. If there is any complaint from us, do not give it in public comment, direct mail to us so that we can take action soon.

Other website link

We do not share anyone else’s links,
All the links which are shared on this website are the links of the company associated with us.

On violation of privacy policy

  1. If you violate any policy, we can block you,
  2. Delete comments you have given.
  3. If any of your actions are legally in the category of crime, then we can also apply legally.

Privacy Policy Change

On this policy, we can make changes according to time.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Do not violate any kind of policies.
  2. Do not use any of our content without our permission.

All rights reserved

  1. We have created this site ho, so we can add and delete anything according to us.
  2. Also remove comments you have given.


If you have any suggestion or complaint related to this website and our policies, then contact us at selflearntech@gmail.com